Retro Gaming: Playboy The Mansion

As you know by now Friday is usually weird game day at this blog. Although as you may have noticed in the title, I’m going to show you a game which every man is just dying to have.

While the Sims were already legendary at this point in time it was decided that an even more legendary yet more manly simulation game should be created. And this is how the idea of playboy the mansion was born. 
You play as Hugh Hefner (no I’m not kidding) and you are in charge of the playboy mansion. You have to decorate it, invite girls over, ask them to be playmate, ask journalists and in the end deliver a new playboy magazine.

The idea is of the game is very simple. You, as Hef, have to change the modest mansion he owns in to the famous playboy mansion. This means you will also have to make the magazine world famous. You can do this in many ways, as stated earlier you can throw parties which makes it somewhat easier for you to start networking. On these parties you get to learn people and you can start building up relationships with them. There are 3 types relationships, Casual, Business and … ehm.. let’s call it romantic.

After a while you know enough people and you can start hiring an editor, journalist, photographer so you can get the playboy magazine started. One this is done you can ask your.. eerr.. “business relations” to pose for the centerfold or the cover of this month’s magazine.

Although most of these simulation games are free play without a real story line nor missions to complete, playboy the mansion works differently. This game actually has missions, a total of 12. This doesn’t sound like a lot, but they are quite challenging and it will take you a while to complete them all.

Oh just a heads up, yes, this game contains (mild) explicit scenes. So be careful when your wife is around ;-).

As usual, and let’s face it men, this is what you have been waiting for, all that is left for me is to show you some game play footage…


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